So, I was with my D&D group and explaining how the Dark Eldar were basically Drow in space and that the Webway was basically the Underdark. Then it became apparent that two things was missing from this analogy, Duragar (dark dwarves) and the Illithid (mind flayers).

There is a place in 40k to fit these in although a lot of what makes them terrifying can be found in Tzeentch and Genestealers (imagine if a Genestealer was possessed by a demon of Tzeentch... although not as physically powerful as a Genestealer).

You could easily tie them into the Enslavers, Illithids go through a larval state like a tadpole and require to be implanted into the brain of a humanoid sapient creature to reach adulthood. When a Illithid civilization is attack, the adults will abandon the unimplanted larvae. Without the adults feeding them, they will begin eating each other; until there is only one left in the pool, who will leave the pool searching for brains to eat. The Neothelid (40k would call it a Enslaver) is feral compare to a Illithid.

Maybe the reason you don't see Dark Eldar attacks other than the small raiding parties is that most of the Dark Eldar civilization is busy dealing with the existential threat in the Webway.

This is pushing it... Ork Weird boyz are actually Illithids.

I'm thinking a immensely psychic race, maybe followers of Tzeentch (but they call him something different). Not really physically imposing, but really smart... like they look at Eldar intellect the way Eldar look at Human intellect. Lurking in and having infiltrated society and calling the shots quietly from the back.

What do you guys think? Is this concept an addition to the story/game?