Hail brothers ive been meaning to post some fluff for my shadow squad but have be struck by the idea for my pre heresy landspeeder squad im soon to be making. this is my first attempt at fluff wrighting so please read it and bear with me.

Crow wing: Before the betrayal

Campaign calendar seven months

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The smoke was thick and choking, seven months the Astarte’s had been fighting here.
They had come to bring these people into the fold of the imperium. But like fools they fought against its truth and its protection.
For this there could only be one punishment. Death.
At least that’s what it should have been.

However under overall command of Rogal Dorn, the Imperial Fists, Emperors Children and the Night Lord's they began to enlighten the populace to their error.

Aurelius trimmed back the port thrusters and the land-speeder banked left and came to a stop two meters above the rubble strewn ground.
He checked the land-speeders auspex but of his prey there was no sign.
‘Damn it’
His Primarch had ordered him to take his Crow’s and hunt down the mechanical beast which had destroyed several armoured vehicles including two Fellblades.
Punching both thrusters to full Aurelius headed north deeper into the ruined city.
“Crow two report”
The com remained silent.
“Crow three report”
Static answered for a few seconds then Corran answered
“Crow three here we’ve found some resistance but…”
The hard bangs of a Heavy Bolter drowned out the rest of his report.
Aurelius turned his land-speeder onto the city’s main boulevard.

It was a broad space, broad enough to fit two Fellblades side by side.
Before the coming of the Imperium this road had been as smooth as glass and had stretched from one boarder to the other. It had been lined with statues of warriors armed with an array of weapons from swords, spears and crude style of bolters that the mechanicum had express some interest in. Now however the surface was scared and pitted with craters caused by heavy missile impacts from Whirlwinds, Thudd guns or maybe an Ariel strike by the Imperial army. Of the statues very little remained untouched.
“Crow four report Thaddeus”
“All quiet on the western front” Thaddeus’s hard growl sounded in Aureliuses helmet “no sign of the mechanical beast”
“Roger that four head to sector five”
“Understood Crow master”
Aurelius pulled of the main street and headed west skimming through the ruins of what had once been a grand city.

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The ground was littered with the remains of their enemy but for every ten dead Cheruatians there lay two dead Astarte’s.
The bright yellow of the Imperial Fist’s, the vivid purples and gold’s of the Emperors Children even the dark blue armoured forms of his beloved Night Lords. In the future lord Dorn will retell that the war on Cheruat was hard fought he would not be lying.

Like a dark blue arrow the Crow master’s land-speeder shot into sector three know by the local populace as fountain square. This is where crow two should have been patrolling, hunting for the machine beast.
Coming to a halt he was about to try the com again when Drake the Multi-melta specialist sat next to him pointed and said over the helmet vox “wreckage by the centre fountain look”
Aurelius flew the skimmer forward and even as they approached, he new that this was Crow 2.
As Aurelius made a slow circle of the wreckage his choler rose.

The front of Crow two’s land-speeder had not been crushed by the crash landing it had been melted away like a wax seal when touched to a flame.
The two dead Astarte’s were indistinguishable from the melted wreckage “Be at peace brothers” Drake said making the sign of the Aquila as he did so.

Aurelius could not repeat the prey or make the sign as at that moment the auspex chimed a warning as a blue, white crashed past the land-speeder and into the fountain. The heat was intense it turned the fountain into a molten slag heap and evaporated the water.
‘At last’ Aurelius thought punching the thrusters to full power and using the steam as cover he began to avenge his fallen brothers of his wing and legion.

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C+C Welcomed

For the Haunter