What would you like to see in the new Chaos Space Marine codex if/when it comes out?

I'd love to see some devoted vehicles. Not making them daemons, but something like a mark with specific rules for vehicles like this:

Vehicle of Khorne: +25pts
Vehicle counts as fast. If the vehicle is a walker, it may run and charge in the same turn.

Vehicle of Nurgle: +30pts
Vehicle gains Shrouded

Vehicle of Slaanesh: +20pts
Vehicle may fire its weapons at different targets.

Vehicle of Tzeentch: +45pts
Add 1 to the strength of all the vehicle's weapons.

Not really definitive, but I would love to see something similar to this. Just make it so it can't also be applied to the daemon engines (they can just be upgraded to daemons of (God) instead) and I think it's a fun idea