I've been around since 2nd ed.(played 2 dozen games)had 3rd & 4th but, nobody to play. I now have 5th and with the help of my computer have found several gamers in my area (all with a great deal more experience than myself). We are currently playing on my 4x4 necromunda table with 1000pt armies and i have had great success with orks (7-0). However, I'm a space marine player at heart and will be getting a realms of battle table within the next month and a half, allowing us to play 1500 point games. With the models I currently have and the additions of a few new ones I can easily make a 1500pt army.
This is where you more experienced warriors in the cyberverse come in.To avoid purchasing any units I maybe overestimating and allow me to use my space marines as soon as the table is ready. The army list below is designed to bring down my heavy hitters at specific locations,keep the enemy guessing where the reserves will show, all while receiving support from the rear. In my group I will face eldar,chaos,imp. guard (all in various forms) & an ork army that has a warboss on a bike with a large mob of bikers,trukks and battle wagons filled with sluggas and shootas,and a few war buggies. I know the flammers will be useless against choas,but he is the furthest from being battle ready.

CAPTAIN w/storm bolter,lightning claw,aux. grenade launcher,melta bombs
COMMAND SQUAD w/champion,3 marines (combi-melta & lightning claw,combi-flammer & power weapon,combi-plasma & power weapon) & apothecary all in a drop pod

STERNGUARD (+2 veterans)w/ 2 heavy flammers,2 combi-melta,2combi-plasma,Serg w/powerfist all in drop pod
DREADNOUGHT w/heavy flammer,twin linked heavy flammer,extra armor,in a drop pod

SCOUT SQUAD (+5 scouts) 4w/shotguns,5w/combat blades & Serg w/power fist & combi-flammer
SCOUT SQUAD (+5scouts) 9w/sniper rifles,1w/missile launcher & Serg w/meita bombs,all wearing camo cloaks

VINDICATOR w/storm bolter,siege sheild
PREDATOR w/heavy bolters,storm bolters

TOTAL POINTS = 1498 This is my first list and i consider it a jumping off point.Most of the units in this army will be used in other variations of army list that i'll only have to add small amounts to rather than starting a new. So let me know what you think, about the army in general,if i left any core unit out that no general should be without.Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated i look forward to your suggestions.

This is my first post,first forum,first steps entering the computer age, so sorry it was so long I'm sure I'll be less long winded in the future. To all that read though and/ or replied to this monster entry THANK YOU !!!