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  1. #11


    Space Wolves DO ignore it They have 12 Companies, and Logan Grimnar's company is over 200 strong, I believe Ragnar's is around 180 strong. SOme will have less, but the Chapter should have roughly 2000 warriors at it's command, especially when counting the scores of ancient Dreadnoughts it has access to.

    IIRC, the Dark Angels are in a similar situation to the Black Templars, they nominally have 1000 warriors, but because they have deployments scattered across the galaxy with their own recruitment bases and detached from easy resupply, there may well be many more than 1000, but the Dark Angels are careful to never gather their full strength in front of others I believe. The Black Templars are supposed to have more than 3000 Marines, but many of them operate almost as independent Chapters.

    These Chapters probably only get away with it due to a mixture of caution, being spread out and their repute and proven track record though- it was attempting to rebuild a Legion than eventually caused the destruction of the Astral Claws and pushed the survivors to become the Red Corsairs.

    Oh, it is also worth noting that some areas of a Chapter technically have no limit- the Scout Company for example has no formal size, so a Chapter theoretically could have a Scout Company hundreds strong. I think the Chapters with large Scout contingents tend to split them into multiple Companies for practical purposes though.
    Last edited by Haighus; 09-24-2015 at 12:19 PM.
    In the nightmare future of the 41st millennium, there is no time for peace. No respite. No Balance. There is only War.

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