Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
Yeah....I'm not seeing any summon Dryad spell?

Could be scenario specific?
There is a summoning spell for Dryads: Roused to Wrath, on the Branchwraith Warscroll. Thing is, the whole of its text is as follows:

If successfully cast, set up a unit of 2D6 Dryads more than 3" from the enemy, and fully within a Sylvaneth Wyldwood that is within 12" of the caster.

That's it. Nothing about needing to have a unit of Dryads in your army.


Mind you, I don't even understand what you mean by counting a unit in your overall force but not deploying it. What you deploy is your overall force. "Any remaining units are held in reserve, playing no part unless fate lends a hand." - The Rules

Those remaining units consist of every other model you have. Is someone trying to argue you can deploy/summon a unit you don't have models for? Because if that's what this thread really boils down to, that person can punch themselves in the face and then we can all go home for tea.

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Quote Originally Posted by Ben_S View Post
Sorry, it was Tree Kin:

"Sylvaneth Wizards know the
Regrowth spell in addition to any other
spell they know whilst there are any Tree
Kin on the battlefield."
But Regrowth isn't a summoning spell; it's a healing spell.

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Quote Originally Posted by Ben_S View Post
I assume the rules are on the Zombie scroll because a) you'll need that to have the stats for the summoned Zombies anyway and b) it's more efficient that all Death wizards having a huge list of spells on their scrolls.