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    Default Reintroduction of missing characters

    I was pondering over this the other day, specifically the dark eldar ones.
    I really enjoyed reading the 5E dark eldar codex and making themed lists from it.
    They were not always effective but I could easily make a couple of different kabal themes, a pirate raiding list, Haemonculi coven, street gangs, wych cult, all of these are possible now but lack that extra flavour that a special character can bring.

    My question is based on the assumption that they will come back with models in time.
    How would GW do it? and how would you like it to be done? This could also be asked for missing ork and imperial guard special characters.

    I would like to see Duke sliscus reinstated in a codex eldar: outcasts. A proper place for him with prince yriel , rangers and corsairs.

    Lady malys and vect I would not want to see a poisoned tounge or black heart codex its just to much and splits units into too many sources, I've been glad recently with this single source route they've been using (khorne DK aside). I would like to see a dataslate style release with fluff, rules, missions, warlord traits and wargear&relics for each to really emphasise the release

    Kheradruakh and the Baron could easily be done with a free datasheet in WD with a bit of background in the issue.

    There you go, that's my list wish, what's yours?
    Last edited by angkor what?; 05-27-2015 at 04:49 AM.

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