Played a 1000 point game with the new codex today against my friend who was borrowing my blood angels. He's never played space marines in his life...

My list was a guardian warhost with the requisite farseer, 3x guardian squads with starcannons, vyper, 3xWW with Shurcans and Starcans, and a single D-Cannon.. 2 warlocks, one with a guardian squad, and 1 with the cannon. Also added an aspect shrine with 2x 5DA's and 3Reapers + exarch with a tempest launcher.

His list was 2x 10 tactical marines in drop pods. 1 with flamer/ML and 1 with HFlamer/Plasmagun, a Furiosos with HF/Melta, an assault squad with 2x flamers, and a sanguinary priest with a powersword jumppack. Oh and a vindicare.

I barely won.

D-cannon didn't kill a single model - it got shot to bits by a combat squad'ed tac squad turn one, broke, turned fearless with a farseer within 12" but then got shot in the subsequent turn and died... all that thunder, no rain.