I pretty much agree with Denzark.

Like it or hate it, 40k is what 40k is. That's the design philosophy GW have gone with, and pretty much always have (ref the 1998 Chambers quote).

If it's not for you, then it's not for you. Shame that, but constantly banging on and on and on and on ad infinitum about it isn't going to change that, not one iota.

There are other games, give them a whirl. If you find them to your tastes, then bully for you, have a great time (genuine, non-sarcastic comment).

Me, I really like X-Wing. It's far from balanced too (seriously, who flies a TIE Bomber?) but it is fun. The game mechanics do a bang up job of representing a 3d dogfight in a 2d environment. I've spent hundreds on it already, and probably will continue to do so (even if Wave 7 has me worried about shark jumping).

Warmachine? Not really my bag. Not a fan of the KillerKombo style, to my mind it makes every game too predictable. Doesn't make the game bad, poorly written, lame, inferior or superior - it's just not to my tastes.

40k and Warhammer? Love them to bits. They suit my playstyle of slightly anarchic nonsense. Prices I'm ok with - I either can or cannot afford X in a given month. If I can, I'll get it. If not, I'll save for it. Easy peasy.

Seriously. If you're not enjoying a given activity, why continue to do it? If you used to love Game Y, but now find it a bit staid/imbalanced/boring/terribad/dull/expensive/meh....well, welcome to life. This happens. As I've said before, I'm about to hit 35 in a few weeks, and there's plenty of things I used to get a real kick out of that just don't interest me anymore. For me, that hasn't included my wargaming tastes - they're the same as they've ever been. But for you, well that might be the taste that changed. It's not the designers fault, it's not your fault. It's not your opponents fault. It just sort of happens.