I recently picked up a fellblade on ebay for around $100 off the normal price ... I normally play space wolves and i'm looking to add it in for apoc games. I'm planning on running it with the quad lascannon sponsors and armored ceramite (melta immunity). For Imperial Guard you can bubble wrap super heavies with cheap infantry platoons, any suggestions on the best way to support a fellblade with wolves?

The only things I can think of so far are....

a pair of predators (autocannon / lascanon sponsors) running along side it to cover the side armor and help with deep striking
rhinos/razorbacks with grey hunters inside

have it stationary and place 1-2 packs of grey hunters with plasma guns spread out to bubble wrap the rear / side armor
1-2 packs of fenrisian wolf, less points but less killy

have it spearhead with two land raider crusaders with blood claw packs inside (wolf guard with pf, 4 claws, maybe a ic attached) in each

Anyone have any other ideas or comments?