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    Default 28mm Ancient Chinese Warring States historical and fantasy miniature Kickstarter

    March 23, 2015 Update

    Kickstarter is now LIVE!!!! [URL][/URL]

    We are four days away from our Kickstarter (Monday, March 23 at 12pm EST) and we have been hard at work trying to finish up our Cavalry and add some more concept art so you can visualize each of our Stretch Goals. We placed some new pictures of our digital sculpts for the four different cavalry variants and added some new art for war machines and support heroes. Check out our pictures on our website or Facebook page.

    For more information check out



    Be sure to Like us on Facebook as it will have a direct impact on the types of freebies we give away during our Kickstarter.

    The Warring States range will include the core elements of an ancient Chinese army including infantry equipped with a wide range of weaponry, light and heavy chariots, various types of cavalry and the officers to lead them. Building on top of the core range will be two more launches including a fantasy element and support troops such as animated Terracotta warriors, dragons, undead warriors, exorcists, war engines, siege bows, shield-bearers, and war drums to name a few.

    Product Briefing

    Range: Warring States / Qin Dynasty (475 – 206 B.C.)
    Wave 1: Core Product allowing players to build the mainstay of Chinese armies
    1. General including various head and arm options
    2. Infantry including unarmored, light, and heavy infantry with head and weapon options
    3. Chariots including light, heavy and officer’s chariots
    4. Cavalry including light, heavy and nomadic cavalry
    Historical Origin: China
    Scale: 28mm
    Casting Material: Metal (Plastic depending on Kickstarter results)
    Manufactured in the USA

    Range: Warring States / Qin Dynasty (475 – 206 B.C.)
    Wave 2: Fantasy Product Range as a possible supplement opened up in the Stretch Goals portion of the Kickstarter
    1. Fu Dogs
    2. Terracotta Soldiers
    3. Fangshi Exorcist
    4. Undead
    5. Hu-Hsien
    6. Fangshi Necromancer
    7. Dragon
    Historical Origin: China
    Scale: 28mm
    Casting Material: Metal
    Manufactured in the USA

    No force would not be complete without the myriad of war machines and support options that make fielding armies unique. Adding a variety of support choices can turn your standard army into a potent offensive force or a immovable solid stone wall. The army support options maintain a more historical feel to the army and may be included in both historical and fantasy games.

    Range: Warring States / Qin Dynasty (475 – 206 B.C.)
    Wave 3: Army Support Product Range as a possible supplement opened up in the Stretch Goals portion of the Kickstarter
    1. Shieldbearers
    2. Alternate poses for archers and crossbowmen and repeating crossbowmen
    3. Giant crossbows
    4. War Drums
    5. Siege bows
    6. Catapults
    7. Additional heroes
    Origin: China Scale: 28mm
    Casting Material: Metal

    Watchful I Studio was created as a gaming company back in May of 2014 and will be producing all types of miniatures, card games, board games, and other gaming accessories for both the historical and fantasy markets. Their first product range will be 28mm historical and fantasy miniatures focusing on the Chinese Warring States and Qin Dynasty period. The company will be embarking on their initial Kickstarter launching Monday, March 23rd at 12pm EST.
    Last edited by Joe Krone; 03-23-2015 at 10:22 AM.

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