I think since you already have 5 pods without the dev squad's pod, just drop that and save the 35 points. I'd then drop the two heavy flamers on Pedro's squad because you can't combat squad for that little "trick" like the other squad can. You can then upgrade one Stormtalon to a Stormraven and escort it in with the remaining Stormtalon; you can find the points by dropping the heavy bolters on the tac squads, one Sternguard body from Pedro's squad, or one or two extra dev squad bodies. I'd probalby also get combi-meltas for the tac squad sgts, even if it's instead of heavy bolters, but YMMV.

Other than that, I like it! If you really crunch the points, I'd go ahead and upgrade the storm bolter on the ironclad to a heavy flamer (and coming out of the pod firing ALL his weapons is really awesome now in 7th edition!)