Allrightythen! I present the list I've been playing with and painting (OK, mostly painting this last month, playtime has been scarcer than new Epic Forge World releases these last few weeks).

I'm testing out the Epic datafile from the latest version of Army Builder (v3.2b) and it's handy-dandy "BBCode" text summary capabilities -- more on AB in a sec, though.

Without further blather....the list!

3000 Pts - Ultramarines Roster

Air Assault - Thunderhawk (1#, 200 pts)
. . 1 Thunderhawk Detachment @ 200 pts
. . . . 1 Thunderhawk (Battle Cannon; Twin Heavy Bolter x4; Planetfall; Reinforced Armour)

Air Assault - Assault Detachment (4#, 225 pts)
. . 1 Assault Detachment @ 225 pts
. . . . 1 Commander
. . . . . . 1 Chaplain (Power Weapon; Inspiring; Invulnerable Save; Leader)
. . . . 4 Assault Squad (Bolt Pistol; Chainsword; Jump Packs)

Air Assault - Devastator Detachment (4#, 250 pts)
. . 1 Devastator Detachment @ 250 pts
. . . . 4 Devastator Squad (Missile Launcher x2)

Detachment: Terminator Detachment (4#, 325 pts)
. . 1 Terminator Detachment @ 325 pts
. . . . 4 Terminators (Assault Cannon x2; Power Weapon; Stormbolters; Reinforced Armour; Reinforced Armour; Teleport)

Tactical Detachment with Surpreme Commander (10#, 450 pts)
. . 1 Tactical Detachment @ 450 pts
. . . . 1 Commander
. . . . . . 1 Supreme Commander (Power Weapon; Invulnerable Save; Leader)
. . . . 6 Tactical Squad (Bolters; Missile Launcher)
. . . . 1 Razorback (Heavy Bolter) (Twin Heavy Bolter)
. . . . 1 Razorback (Lascannon) (Twin-linked Lascannon)
. . . . 2 Rhino (Stormbolters)

Detachment: Devastator Detachment (7#, 525 pts)
. . 1 Devastator Detachment @ 525 pts
. . . . 4 Devastator Squad (Missile Launcher x2)
. . . . 1 Hunter (Hunter Killer)
. . . . 2 Land Raider (Heavy Bolter; Twin-linked Lascannon x2; Reinforced Armour; Thick Rear Armour)

Detachment: Whirlwind Detachment (5#, 375 pts)
. . 1 Whirlwind Detachment @ 375 pts
. . . . 1 Hunter (Hunter Killer)
. . . . 4 Whirlwind (Whirlwind)

Titan: Reaver Battlegroup (1#, 650 pts)
. . 1 Reaver Battlegroup @ 650 pts
. . . . 1 Reaver (Mars Pattern) Battle Titan (Titan Rocket Launcher; Turbo-Laser Destructors x2; Fearless; Reinforced Armour; Walker)

Total Roster Cost: 3000

OK, a few notes. Yes, I know this isn't an optimized death-or-glory win-at-all-costs list. Yes, I have a Reaver and I know I probably shouldn't, but the whole reason I wanted to play Epic in the first place (even before I wanted to play 40K! (I think I've mentioned this before) was TITANS, bigod, so until I get my greasy fingers on a Warlord, the Reaver it is!)

Anyway...yeah. It's been a fun list. Lemme tell ya, that Reaver sure costs a pretty pound of points but it just makes other units disappear....or forces them to deal with it. I haven't lost it in a game yet...but I've come very, very close.

I'm pretty sure the list is self-explanatory. I know only having one tactical detachment is probably the biggest weakness, but fortunately the air assault elements make up for that (and HOW!, usually, in the form of swoop-in-kick-some-***-and-get-the-hell-out tasty DEATH, thankyouverymuch!).

The thing I'm most happy with is I'm about 50-60% complete on painting this army up. It's taken a whole LOT of getting used to painting at this scale but I have to admit it's been lot of FUN, too.

The other awesome thing is -- thanks to some good finds on Ebay, I have more than enough Epic models for now. A pair of Thunderhawks, a Warhound, command, bikes, speeders, pretty much everything I want...well, except for a landing craft and Warlord titan...but hey, you can't get everything all at once, now can you?

So...go ahead, comment away on the list. I'm very curious as to what others think about it.

....and now we'll discuss Army Builder.

Normally, you shouldn't post the points values for GW units, but considering you can download the rules in several forms, I'm pretty sure there's no potential for lost income due to IP/trade/copy-right masturbation. Seriously, though, I'm not being ballsy here for the sake of being ballsy...I want you to take a close look at the list and do a compare/contrast with the points values that AB's "latest" Epic datafile contains and tell me where you see them being out-of-touch with reality. I've already done this, but I'd like independent confirmation.

Basically....what I'm saying is, the datafile for Epic is -- how do you say? "non-current"? I think that's a suitably accurate statement.

Now, not being one just to ***** (well, OK, sometimes I am) but what I'd like to do is actually update the damned datafile. I love Army Builder. I dare say if I can't make a list in AB....well, I'm probably not going to be making a list. I know, I know...yes, there are a ton of other ways to do it but AB is where I'm at and I have a feeling it's where the majority of the gaming community is, too. And this inaccurate Epic datafile travesty must stop! Or there will be...well, probably no consequences whatsoever but hey it sounded good to say that.

What I'm trying to say (and failing my "Be Succinct" skill check again doing it, too) is anyone wanna help me get this datafile business figured out? Know where I can find a tutorial or three on AB datafile hackery (up-to-date, ones that is, the ones I've seen have been pretty obsolete themselves)?

And so...that's it. Discuss!!