Quote Originally Posted by Ferro View Post

If Mr. Wolf wishes to maintain that 'removed from the table and placed aside' = out of the game in all respects, I'll allow it. I will also gladly accept killpoints for all the embarked units, which cannot disembark, shoot, give orders, or use psychic powers throughout the game. Hey, they're off the table.
I wish to maintain that they are off the table and can only affect and be affected as rules the specify. All of those instances actually have rules covering why your positionregarding them is invalid. I wish to maintain this because that's what the rules say; I'm simple like that.

I have officially grown bored of the discussion; certainly I'm aware of the arguments you have presented, as well as those presented by others, and I do not find them indicitative of even intent for the Doom to work as you suggest.

The list of things that work poorly if the basic rule is that units in vehicles can be damaged by outside forces that do not harm their vehicle is fairly large; we have good indication that GW considers it a given that models in transports cannot be directly attacked, with no indication that they think indirectly attacking is any better. I would require a much more explicit permission to affect embarked units in a hostile manner to consider this viable.