
Because of the levels being completely ignored by the 7th edition, questions arise...

1. If regular Infantry model shoots a flamer in the bottom floor of the ruins, does it hit that floor AND one above?
2. If regular Infantry model shoots a flamer in the first floor of the ruins, does it hit that floor AND one above AND below?
3. If a Jump Infantry jumps/deep strikes, can he reach fe. to the top floor of the ruin if he wants to?

For example...today the GK Interceptor squad Deep Struck near my Venom, about 7-9" up on top of some "oil drums". My opponent claimed, that a Jump unit can flame them up there, while still being on the ground. Is this accurate? That cost me a Kabalite Warrior team and one HP from the Venom...

I don´t understand, why GW makes things even HARDER, by releasing new rules...

If you find some answers, please gimme a page number, or a link, thanks!

- Lost Vyper