Hi guys!

I was looking at some of the GW Astra Militarum bundles, and they are all pretty solid deals. I thought about what it would look like to start a 1K army with the Cadian Defense Force box (1x command squad, 2x 10-man infantry squads, 3x heavy weapons teams, 1x chimera, 1x Leman Russ). Tell me what ya think:

Lord Commisar + Carapace Armor + Power Sword - 85 pts.

Infantry Platoon
-Platoon Command Squad = Platoon Standard + Vox-Caster + Flamer + Melta (no upgrades on commander) + Chimera (no upgrades) - 125 pts.

-Infantry Squad 1 - Grenade Launcher (no sergeant upgrades) - 55 pts.
-Infantry Squad 2 - Grenade Launcher (no sergeant upgrades) - 55 pts.
-Infantry Squad 3 - Grenade Launcher (no sergeant upgrades) - 55 pts.

-Heavy Weapons Squad - 3x Autocannon Teams - 75 pts.

-Melta + Plasma (no upgrades on sergeant) - 85 pts.

Fast Attack
Valkyrie + Lascannon - 135 pts.

Heavy Support
Leman Russ MBT + Hull-mounted Lascannon + Sponson-mounted Heavy Bolters - 180 pts.
Leman Russ Vanquisher+ Hull-mounted Lascannon +Recovery Gear - 150 pts.

TOTAL - 1000 points

Now for a little justification: An infantry blob sounds like great fun, and the Lord Commissar will buff it nicely with Stubborn. The Veteran Squad will drop in from the Valkyrie to provide some back field distraction and maybe pop a tank or two with the melta. The Leman Russes provide heavy armor killing (Vanquisher) and general mid-field killing (MBT with bolters). The Command Squad in the chimera is a mobile order machine/fire magnet. And the autocannon teams are light armor/infantry killers, specially in numbers.

It's not an amazing list, but it does use everything in the box and only requires another Russ, the Lord Commisar, the Valkyrie and another two infantry squads. In USD, this army is $16+49.50+$66+$165+$29+$29=$354.50.

For 1250, just add a knight. Boom, done.