How do?

Dunno about you, but I'm currently greatly enjoying the ongoing Warhammer End Times series. For those in the dark about it, in short it's a massive advancement of the Warhammer World. We don't even know if it's going to have a defined end, or if it's simply a new and deeply groovy status quo. Either way, we already have some major shake ups, which I won't go into here. Suffice to say Archaon (Sword and Board Abaddon for all intents and purposes) is coming, and the Old World is in for a proper kicking.

And I think we might just see the same thing happen for 40k, given the apparent success of End Times in Warhammer (books selling out on day of release, good levels of enthusiasm etc).

But as the title asks - what exactly would that look like?

First up the obvious - the 13th Black Crusade breaks properly. Not Storm of Chaos 'it happened, then it didn't' 13th Black Crusade, but the sure and certain beginning of the end 13th Black Crusade.

So Chaos v Imperium, with the Eldar sticking their metaphorical oar in as suits them. But that leaves Dark Eldar, Orks, Necron, Tau and Tyranids largely out in the cold. Except.....does it? The Imperium would have to respond en masse to a Black Crusade, and that weakens them elsewhere. Opportunities abound (look at what the Tau did last time the Imperium was forced to leave off) and whole sectors could fall not just into anarchy, but entirely from Imperium control.

Right, scene set. Speculate away! And don't forget - proper, proper casualties, as in 'dead in the face' dead. Warhammer has already seen the demise of Kurt Helborg and The Grand Theogonist, not to mention the Supreme Patriarch of Magic go all Necromancer on them. Various Undead characters are now proper dead (Nagash. Him no like word 'no', and he'll boil your brain if he wants to!).