Tank Commander (Command Vanquisher with a Hull-mounted Lascannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, & Camo Netting, Battle Tank with Camo Netting) – 365

Veterans (Veteran Sergeant, 9 Veterans, Autocannon) – 70
Veterans (Veteran Sergeant, 9 Veterans, Autocannon) – 70

Vendetta Squadron (Vendetta) – 170

Leman Russ Squadron (2 Leman Russ Exterminators, Hull-mounted Lascannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsors, Camo Netting) – 350
Leman Russ Squadron (2 Leman Russ Exterminators, Hull-mounted Lascannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsors, Camo Netting) – 350

Baneblade (2 Lascannon and 2 Heavy Bolter Sponsors) – 575

Aegis Defense Line – 50

= 2000

The Hunter-Killer on the Command Vanquisher is there because I had 10 points leftover and figured it would be more useful than 2 heavy stubbers.

So far I have everything but 4 Leman Russes, figured I would throw this list up again for input before I purchased the last bit. I toyed around with the idea of using the IA Armored Battlegroup but with some people being opposed to forgeworld I figure I will just stick with the AM/IG codex.