I am considering going to a 2000 point tournament, and I thought out two lists that I am going to play test. Here they are"

List #1

General: Master Necromancer, level 4 Lore of Vampire, Earthing Rod, Talisman of Preservation, Hell steed at 300 points

BSB: Wight Kings, Lance, Shield, Heavy Armor, Skeletal Steed with Barding, Rampaging Banner at 192 points

A horde of 28 black knights, full command, and Banner of the Barrows at 808 points (The General and BSB go in this unit)

A horde of zombies, 100 man unit, with musician, and standard bearer at 310 points

Necromancer, Level 2 Death or Vampire (Not Sure), Dispel Scroll, Opal Amulet, Biting Blade at 150 points. (Necromancer goes in the zombie unit)

6 units of 5 man dire wolves at 40 points each

A total of 2000 points

List #2:

Vampire Lord, Level 2 Lore of Vampire, Red Fury, Quick Blood, Dread Knight, Obsidian Blade, Armor of Destiny, Shield, Nightmare with Barding at 472 points

BSB vampire, Level 2 Shadow, Red Fury, Heavy Armor, Shield, Lance, Barded Nightmare, Dispel Scroll at 285 points

8 Blood Knights, musician, std. bearer with Banner of the Blood Keep at 495 points

1 horde of fifty ghouls with champion at 510 points

6 units of dire wolves with 5 men each, worth a total of 240 points

For a total of 2002 points

Right now, I only have access to one zombie horde, so I can't change List #2 with two hordes of zombies at 100 men each. I have played with ghouls for several years, and I like staying power in combat, and that is something VC core choices don't do well. If I am going to have a tarpit, I want it to have staying power. I am not a believer in having zombie hordes of less than 60 men. You are throwing away points too quickly. Let me know what you think of these lists. I know warriors of chaos can run without magic at 2000 points and do extremely well. So a supped up vampire lord should do well, despite the magic handicap. Let me know what you think of these lists.