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    Default Assembling the troops - a community guide for newcomers/returners.

    How do, and how do indeed!

    So, End Times is a bit special yes? Certainly seems to be threatening just the shot in the arm Warhammer has needed.

    But not all of us currently have standing armies, and if we do, they might not be for the force we want to lead into The End Times. Example? I have a lot of Ogres. And I loves them. But I'm throwing my bones to Nagash, and picking up my nascent VC army.

    Of course, Warhammer is a fairly model intensive game, and depending on how you go about it, your force's money cost can spiral quickly. So I thought we could have a crack at putting together a community guide on approaches to getting from nowt to glory with the minimum of fuss.

    For me?

    I'm going back to Sigmar's Blood, an excellent example to my mind of how to build up either an Empire or Vampire Count army over a period of time, by simply buying, building and painting one battle scroll at a time. By the end of it, you end up with a decently eclectic army formed from most of the options from the relevant armies. Also helps the battle scrolls are roughly cost equivalent to one another, so budgetting is pretty straight forward!

    So, it does say community in the title. Chip in folks!

    And some music to set the mood....

    Last edited by Mr Mystery; 09-02-2014 at 03:19 PM.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

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