Hello fellow BOLS members!

I thought I would post up some pics of my large (pun intended) truescale Space Wolves WIP. Every marine is converted and Bjorn is a complete scratchbuild. I use GW Thunderwolves as the fenrisian wolves. Lots more to come as I finish up the infantry and move into the vehicles properly.

Full WIP Army...

WIP Bjorn: My freehand has suffered a bit as a 2 year break from the hobby has hurt my brush control. I added the wolf rampant over the diamond and Bjorn's pack marking over the past weekend.

WIP Harald Deathwolf: My putty work has also suffered from my time away from the hobby. I started with a Scibor Giant Celtic Wolf and decided to scratch sculpt a new head and tail as I wanted a closer aesthetic to the GW ThunderWolves. Still struggling with the head but I'm ok with how it is turning out. Already reworked the jaws/teeth 7 times!

This early pic of Harald gives an idea of scale. The painted wolf is Harald's official GW sculpt.

and finally here is a couple early WIP shots for some add ons.