Well, time to make the most of GW's new book of plain bread. :P I'm going to try out a Battle Forged and the new Strike Force to see what I can do!

Strike Force!
What I really see the strength of this formation is the fact you can have an extra turn over your opponent if they go first. Deploy nothing and solely rely on deep striking to get yourself across the board. The ability to run after you land is what really makes this viable, if they didn't have that it'd be garbage. Definatly a risky tactic, but looks like a lot of fun, and that's the main reason why I play 40K! The limit with playing it this way is that I can't take anything that doesn't deep strike. The benefit is that I don't need to worry about transporting anyone anywhere!

Brother Captain - 220
Grand Master Cuirass of Sacrifice Soul Glaive

Librarian - 150
Mastery Level 3 Combi-Melta Nemesis Hammer

Strike Squad x6 - 149
Nemesis Hammer x1 Nemesis Falchions x1 Incinerator x1

Strike Squad x6 - 149
Nemesis Hammer x1 Nemesis Falchions x1 Incinerator x1

Terminator Squad x10 - 398
Psycannon x2 Nemesis Hammer x2 Nemesis Falchions x1 Nemesis Halerd x2

Terminator Squad x10 - 396
Psycannon x2 Nemesis Hammer x2 Nemesis Falchions x1 Nemesis Halerd x1

Paladin Squad x3 - 203
Nemesis Hammer x1 Nemesis Falchions x2 Apothecary

Nemesis Dread Knight - 185
Heavy Psycannon Heavy Incinerator

38 Models
1850 points

Battle Forged!
Objective Secure Land Raiders... mmmmm, so tasty! Heavy Armour with lots of smashy stuff. Purifiers, Dreadnought, and GM ride in the Storm Raven, yeah, nuts I know. It worked for me last time so I'll go for it again. The only thing I might change is to make the terminators 10 man so I can combat squad them to put 2 psycannons in one unit in the godhammer land raider to make a mid field firing base. Then for the other troop I would take a strike squad instead of the purifiers. But I don't want to loose the purifiers because they burn baby burn. I'll see how it plays out.

Brother Captain - 220
Grand Master Cuirass of Sacrifice Soul Glaive

Librarian - 150
Mastery Level 3 Combi-Melta Nemesis Hammer

Terminator Squad x5 - 209
Psycannon Nemesis Hammer x2 Nemesis Falchions x1

Land Raider Dedicated Transport - 260

Terminator Squad x6 - 244
Psycannon Nemesis Hammer x2 Nemesis Halerd x1 Nemesis Falchions x1

Land Raider Crusader Dedicated Transport - 255
Storm Bolter

Purifier Squad x5 - 152
Nemesis Falchions x3 Nemesis Hammer x1 Incinerator x1

Dreadnought - 160
Heavy Flamer Venerable Dread

-Fast Attack-
Storm Raven - 200
TL Lascannon TL Multimelta

22 models
1850 points