Afternoon all.

[url=]So this is a thing and a half[/url].

For those unaware (and one can only assume given it's potential magnitude, it's international news), it's starting to look like there has been a major cover up within British Politics with regard to high level child abuse.

114 files have gone missing, including dossiers potential naming kiddy fiddlers operating in Parliament, and using their position of power to arrange abuse.

Quote Originally Posted by BBC News
A review commissioned last year by Mr Sedwill, into the Home Office's handling of child abuse allegations between 1979 and 1999, found that some 114 files were missing, although he found no evidence that they had been removed or destroyed "inappropriately".
114 files....suspicous no? It's possible it's just good old fashioned incompetence, after all we are talking about politicians. Except we now know Cyril Smith, a former Labour MP was a serial child abuser.

This could get very, very interesting.