A few things I'm still trying to wrap my head around with the psychic rules.

1. At what point are psychic powers generated while organizing the game? This is really important with Eldar warlocks that are going to be assigned to units.

2. Is there any restriction that prevents a unit of Jetbikes from moving flat out in the shooting phase after an attached Warlock uses a power in the psychic phase?

3. Do Come the Apoc allied Psykers share the same Warp Charge pool?

4. Can a Greater Daemon summoned by Possession Charge the turn it arrives? It doesn't arrive via deep strike so I would guess that it can. Now assuming it can, does it matter what the Psyker did beforehand? For example what if a psyker disembarks from a non assault vehicle in the movement phase then calls up the greater Daemon?

Help clarifying any of the above would be much appreciated!