So having pursued the new rules and the new psychic powers in particular I am left with a few questions I'm sure others are asking themselves and have probably already discussed. Simply put I'm unsure how the new psychic discipline chart interacts with the listed disciplines for each entry in individual Codexes.

As an example, according to the chart the Inquisition has access to ALL the disciplines but the entries for each inquisitor only give them access to Divination, Pyromancy, and Telekinesis (as an alternative to the codex powers). No other reference is made to the chart in the rules, except for the new Daemonology disciplines, only as a supplement to the psychic cards. So in this example does an inquisitor ONLY have access to those powers listed in his/her entry or can he/she generate powers from the Biomancy, Telepathy, or Daemonology disciplines as per the chart? The same question applies to psykers from other Codexes with access to more disciplines than present in their codex (e.g. Space Marines, Astra Militarum, etc.).

Obviously this screams for a series of FAQ but who knows when that's going to happen? Until then what is the general consensus on how to interpret this?