Date Unknown
Thought for the day: Ignorance is a Blessing, Curiosity a Damnation


I have broken out of my prison, and located my effects. It seems the cult was not too stringent in keeping them far from my view. For the first time in weeks, I can feel familiar clothes on my back, and having Regia in my arms feels better than ever. I am now ready to return to duty.

All my effects were still there, down to the flask of Amasec in my coat pocket, nestling next to my father's knuckledusters. All my effects, that is, save one - the sixth volume of my journal, which I had had on my person, I located fragments of in a recycler, charred beyond all recognition. Clearly a hasty attempt at sabotage - ill-devised, but then who would venture into the lunatic mind of a heretic?

As the details of my mission, the most recent entry, have been destroyed, I feel a short recap is in order. Some time ago, I was tasked with investigating the Cathedral of [CENSORED BY THE ADMINISTRATUM], located [CENSORED BY THE ADMINISTRATUM] of [CENSORED BY THE ADMINISTRATUM], on the planet [CENSORED BY THE ADMINISTRATUM], at whose precinct courthouse I am currently based. My superiors had received information of cultist activity around the cathedral and I was sent to verify the claims. However, I was captured, stripped, tortured and imprisoned, chained to a wall for longer than I could count. As such I have no idea how long I spent in captivity, only that the Will of the Emperor sustained me.

I was freed today by a man calling himself Zarkov. He has the credentials of an Inquisitorial aide, apparently securing the compound around the Cathedral while a team of Acolytes under the Inquisitor [CENSORED BY THE ADMINISTRATUM] were sent within to investigate claims of a daemonic tome within the Cathedral and, if found to be substantiated, destroy it. He shared his rations with me - I had eaten little more than rough, decaying bread for the duration of my imprisonment - and explained that under the current conditions, he could arrange for me to be seconded into the service of Inquisitor [CENSORED BY THE ADMINISTRATUM] for the duration of his current investigation, a chance to uphold the laws of the Emperor that I was only too happy to accept.

Before long I had met the party of Acolytes. At my first glance they seemed an irregular bunch. There was a seemingly insolent, pallid young member of the Ministorum; a dim-looking guardsman; a scuttling adept clutching a data-slate; a frightened-looking young girl who had the eyes and demeanour of a psyker; and a shifty-looking man who set my investigative instincts buzzing like a saw. I briefly introduced myself, and appraised myself of their situation: they had destroyed a tome - one of the few extant copies of the [CENSORED BY THE ADMINISTRATUM] - and although apparently one had fallen close to succumbing to its foul litanies, the person responsible ensured to destroy the tome entirely. Warily satisfied, I joined them for the journey back to the local town. I sat in the front seat, next to the driver, but I could still hear the Acolytes discussing me from the back of the truck. No matter.

I am sitting writing this in the communal lodgings that Inquisitor [CENSORED BY THE ADMINISTRATUM] has arranged for his team. I have written my report of the mission, as well as filled in the necessary paperwork for Inquisitorial Secondment, and have had it filed at the precinct courthouse, and I am taking a few moments to reflect on the magnitude of my duty. Inquisitorial duty is not something I accepted lightly. I now have the opportunity to serve the Emperor and the law he upheld in a more direct, blessed fashion, and for this I shall be grateful.

I got to know the wounded guardsman later that night. His name was Krell Zekk - a proud trooper of six years' service in the 23rd Dektoris Marauders. He is from a feral world and self-admittedly simple - but he is as pious as any noble servant of the Emperor and proud that he knows his duty. I have taken a liking to this man.

After he fell asleep, I took the opportunity to check Regia. I had been unable to maintain her while imprisoned, so I was naturally concerned. Fortunately her mechanism is blessedly simple, and I had soon checked that there was no damage to the mechanisms. She had been unloaded, however. I slid two shells into her glistening barrels and snapped her shut, savouring the clean, cold metal.

Tomorrow our mission continues anew. Another update then.

Larn Cormix