At work, we play combat patrol (40k in 40 min) on lunch time. I was thinking about starting a new 400 pts Blood angels list.

I was thinking at something like this :

4 death company / jump pack & chainsword
5 vet assault squad / 4 chainsword & 1 PW
5 assault squad / chainsword & power weapon
400 pts

i think im missing some resilience but what do you think? Any better suggestion?

to give an idea, actually, i have a list i like of IG consisting of :

1 PCS 4 flamers & PF in chimera with ML/HF
1 squad GL / AC in chimera with ML/HB
1 squad GL / AC in chimera with ML/HB
1 sentinel with AC
400 pts

not much success with it yet but more draws than any other list ive tried.