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  1. #1

    Default Rebel Aces announced

    Well, we all saw it coming the minute they put out Imperial Aces, but I was honestly expecting X-Wings.


    Some interesting cards here though. [url=]Sell your missile slot for 2 points?[/url] [url=]Move first and shoot first?[/url] My word, [url=]a pilot who can spend a Stress token as if it were a Focus token?[/url] 0.o And are those Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors crew member cards I see? I honestly thought Recon Specialist was meant to be Jan...

    Odd that they'd put crew members in an expansion where neither ship can take crew... maybe we'll see a Modification for B-Wings and Y-Wings that adds the crew icon to your upgrade bar? Both canonically have two-seat versions...

    Edit: Looking more closely at the big spread, it looks like there is indeed a card that adds the crew icon to your upgrade bar, but it's B-Wing only. And I suspect it's a Title, not a Modification, as the set apparently includes Titles for both ships (the A-Wing's being [url=]Prototype Veteran[/url]).
    Last edited by Houghten; 03-19-2014 at 06:00 AM.

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