Hello to all I'am french, sorry for my bad english :s


As explain in the previous subject I stopped my armed previous one, and I present you the new project today, some modifications were to plan, and I am to impose this guideline:

- the purpose is to represent an army of war master during the period of the heresy , between istvaan 3 and the siege of terra. pre black legion

- strength of the 1st company just to be able to play the justaerins, the reavers in black armors and Abaddon, complementarya in 5 eme company lead by Horus Aximand, the last 2 representatives of the mournival.
One will have whose allies of the méchanicus a heterogeneous strength, no limitation on the list of army, it will have certainly there to represent the narrow links between war master and mars

- equipped to typify chaotic, spades(pikes,lances), trophies, cranes, version 'brutal'('rough'), hanging furs to remind the origins and offer highly-rated one tribal, chaines...

-Battles present packings down without making it too much

- urban base, to represent the siege of terra.

- use of the eye of horus on many figurine, that brings of the color and that details, purchase of pastille or makes 'ball' in green stuff...

- Massive use of bitz (kromlech, maxmini, pupetswars) to change ordinary mk 4, give details, the purpose it is to get closer to the max of collected vision

- arm plasma in orange (for the contrast), energy weapon with a blue halo.

- optics orange pigment, I hesitate to make of the osl

The strength will be coherent at the visual level, I would try to get closer as much as possible to illustrations of the book ' colleted vision ', the only distance which I am going to make will be that the color, my purpose that goes etre to have this :


Figurine was painted by "Sten", I invite you to read the story of the discovery of the mixture of this color on my blog:http: // salaisefigurine.blogspot.fr/2013/08/ces t-lhistoire-dune-couleur.html

Concerning the list of purchase, it is the most expensive project which I began, I have not do the calculation (because I want of cried), but has there at least 800 euros of slammed already, approximately 200 euros only bitz, 150 in paint(painting), and remain it in figurines...

WELL! That it is made, after the wall of text, photo :

The kit ' the energy armor through time ', which is going to serve as test model


A squad with volkite caliver, I added battles packings down to the cutter and to the drill with hand:




Hesitate not to comment, it is the beginning of the project, has things there which we can change still, hesitate not to criticize also, it is like that that we move forward!

For more information and photo my blog: [url]http://salaisefigurine.blogspot.fr/[/url]