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  1. #11


    Yet my point is, how do you pay for it?

    Granted I've not read the Gaunt's Ghosts novels. They kind of passed me by (though seems I probably should).

    What is the common currency, and how do you obtain it? I imagine that the mentioned Chaos Bazarr is easier to deal with than the Dark Mechanicus for instance, even if you don't get quite the same choice.

    Then we have other issues involved. What if a fund raising raid all goes a bit belly up, and you get mauled heavily? You'd wind up in a worse position than before.

    There's also the genuine threat as mentioned in my first post of simply being mugged for the best bits of kit. Add to that that the Warbands seem relatively fluid. Within the Imperium, once you're an Ultramarine, you're an Ultramarine, and you progress through that Chapter and that Chapter alone. Renegade? It seems possible from the background that you can continually jump ship from Warband to Warband, for whatever reason.

    So to progress the discussion.....what are the common currencies for trade within the renegade factions, and how do you go about acquiring them?

    Likewise for Imperial Space Marines - How do they go about trade? Some, such as the Ultramarines seem self sufficient within their own realm, and most Chapters seem to have favoured vassal planets, which would probably provide some sort of tithe. But how about Fleet Based Chapters like Black Templars, which have no set patrol area, instead just arseing about the Galaxy looking for a punch up? How do they sort out their supplies? Do they actually have to pay for them, or is it a case of 'Oh, hello Mr Chapter Master, as you can see, hands are around ankles, and position adopted, how might I best supply you today, on account I suspect it's the height of bad manners/heresy to ask for recompense....'
    Last edited by Mr Mystery; 03-04-2014 at 07:16 AM.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

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