Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
NO! because Power of the machine spirit lets you fire an additional weapon, no where does it override the special rule for missiles that limit you to firing a maximum of two regardless of how many weapons you may fire

also: whenever you find your self arguing that "nowhere in the rules says I can't", that's a good indication that you can't
OK, I misread what you said about the missiles. I agree with you that flyers can only shoot 2 missiles. I thought you were saying that flyers with PotMS can't even take the extra shot granted them by the rule. And all I'm saying is that rules as written, PotMS ignores Snap Shots. Flyers make you fire Snap Shots. How are you not getting that? Nowhere (in the book, in the FAQ, in any Codex) does it say PotMS applies to only certain situations of Snap Shots. It just lets you ignore one Snap Shot per turn.