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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New Baltimore, Michigan, United States

    Default Which Daemons to get?

    My birthday is coming up and my wife wants to know what to get for me. I haven't really thought about it much, but I have an urge to start a Chaos Daemon Army after fighting a few of them in the last weeks. Now I have a pile of stuff that needs to be built for my Orks, Sisters, IG, Tau and Crimson Fists but I have no discipline and when the desire hits, I usually go off and buy what I want.

    Now our group already has a Slaanesh army, this was the one I sort of preferred, we also have a Khorne spread out between two guys. So that leave Tzeentch and Nurgle. I'm leaning to Tzeentch. I 've got to decide today so the FNGS can put in the order tomorrow. So, what is cool and what is bad about these Armies? What should I do?

    BTW, how do you pronounce Tzeentch; is it "Zen-itch" or one syllable with long Es as in Zeeeench?
    Last edited by Blackcloud6; 02-17-2014 at 11:48 AM.

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