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    Default Tyrants House Rules

    So our gaming group had three Tyranid players. The new codex dropped and all three gave up their ravenous ways. Mostly this wasn't an issue because one only had one model and is now just playing her boyfriends second army, another had space marines he already played half the time but the last player only has Tau to fall back on. The gaming group has a particular hatred for Tau because of some massive cheating on the part of a few players who are no longer in the group. So the group as a whole decided that they will house rules the Tyranids in order to keep the one person playing them.

    This is where the problem lies. We aren't sure what we should change. Should we just use 5th edition? Should we allow BRB powers? Should we treat all 1-3 on the instinctive behavior role as a 4-5 instead? Should we give Spore Pods back to the units that had them in 5th? I was hoping we could have a nice discussion and come up with possible rules to SIMPLY update Tyranids to make them not so unplayable.

    Ideas so far:


    Synapse Node: 10pt upgrade to one model in a unit of 5 or more models. That one model provides synapse to his unit until he is removed from play.

    Warrior Captain: Upgrade to bring a Warrior or Shrike to a unit of 5 or more models. The upgrade cost is the cost of the model. The Captain moves and runs at the same speed as the unit he is in.

    Improved Synapse: Any roll for Instinctive Behavior of a 1-3 is instead treated as a 4-5 instead.


    Scything Talons given back reroll 1's to hit in close combat for a single pair. Reroll all failed to hit in close combat for two pair.


    Trygon Tunnel Squad: A unit in reserve can be allocated to be following behind a Trygon. It doesn't roll for reserves until the turn after the Trygon has come onto the table.

    Spore Pod: each unit that could purchase a spore pod in the old book can continue to do so. Alternate 20? Pts Deep strike upgrade with same rules for scatter as a pod but no pod left on the table.


    Hive Tyrant: 20?40? Pt upgrade for 2+ armor save.

    Hive Guard: If remains stationary improves BS to 4. Can't charge same turn.

    Genstealers: Have Hunter-Killer

    *Stupid auto correct. If possible could a moderator change the title to Tyranid House Rules?*
    Last edited by Advent_Child; 01-14-2014 at 08:19 PM. Reason: Added Ideas so far

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