[QUOTE=Kovnik Obama;380102

In any cases, Asperger's core features also includes stereotyped and repetitive motor behaviours, as well as the inability to harmonize interests and information gathering (Asperger's will often memorize ridiculously large amounts of data about things they do not care at all about, and can't stop themselves). Obviously, these aspects of Aspergers would be highly detrimental to any strategos.[/QUOTE]

I am on the autism spectrum with asperger's and have always found the conversation between zharial and Jonson about Jonsons appointment to Grand Master humorous because he mentions how sensitive his hearing is and how people forget about it. That is completely relevent to autism because oftentimes that is exactly the case. We (people with asperger's) dont have filters on what comes in from our senses and cant shut it off. Ive always thought jonson was similar. Just my 2 cents though.