I apologize if this has been answered, but I combed the web with a fine-tooth before even thinking about posting this. Btw, thanks for letting me on the forum - I'm new here.

My buddies and I grew up playing 40K - we've got miniatures from the early 80s (we're old men at 35 now . Suffices to say we spent a lot of time bickering over rules, movement, range, etc when playing 40K. Also, it took a lot of storage and table space. So, in time we went to Space Hulk and played that whenever we found time. Love the game, but strategically it can get a little slow after playing a lot. Corridors are linear and so is the thinking in the game (not always, of course). But, that's one excellent feature to it: the rules make for very little bickering and, thus, a speedier game! So, my question: has anyone attempted to adapt similar rules to a LARGE game board? I'm picturing like a door-sized board with square or octagonal grids on it. Units move and shoot on the board in the same manner as Hulk...There will be inherent complications, but I'm imagining a game that moves swiftly.

This may be like heresy to you 40Kers out there, but it was just a thought. Like I said, we always fought over the darn distances, pulling out measuring tape, remeasuring, etc. Just don't have the interest for that these days! Thanks for reading.