Well I have had this happen twice so far and it has been out of tournament so far. The problem is when you roll 5, 6, 8, 9 on the warp storm table. Between 3 people we have different opinions on how this would be addressed, so this is the different ways we argued about.

1. Ok my shooting phase lets say I roll anti-nurgle. Well I have no nurgle so nothing happens to me, but since I am playing against my opponent he would have to roll against the table with all his models since he is the enemy so to speak.

2. Same as above, but only works on both sides nurgle models, meaning if no side has nurgle models than no models are afflicted.

3. Same as above, but nurgle models are afflicted than the enemies models are afflicted.

My stance is #1 by the way. Anyway Deamons vs Daemons or vs Csm can bring up intersting game play. Especially if both sides rolling on the warp storm table.