Okay, where to start. I suppose Hi would be a good one. Good got that out of the way, now to get down to the real meat of the introduction. My main interests are reading, computer gaming, and of course, wargaming. I play many wargames, mainly warhammer, but I grew up with historical wargaming. In regards to the great money-stealer from across the irish sea, I play using the tau (my first army), Marines, Orks, Eldar, with a smattering of dark elder in between. I also play with the High elves( first WFB army) and the skaven. Been browsing the site for a while, usually because of interesting looking posts regarding articles over facebook. Really like some of the weekly blogs, especially goatboy. Hopefully that's al the interesting, or mildly interesting things about me, as I've probably waffled on long enough, and bored anyone who takes the time to read this to death.