Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
The thing is they didnt need ol to be a perpetual. Part of the poibt of that character was the "mere human". By taking that out the story loses a lot of its point
Except that no one, except a very select few, know that Perrson is a "perpetual" (or whatever flavor of the month is this time around). The fact that merely looking a primarch (not corrupted) in the eye can turn a Space Marine silly and cat-got-your-tongue-tied, imagine what it would do to a regular human being when the full force of personality and will to dominate combined with the horrors of Chaos are combined with that? As such, a less-than Astartes but more-than Human character like Perrson isn't without question. But the fact that he was once a soldier in the Imperial Army means that, for propoganda's sake, he makes for good posthumous inspirational recruitment material. Dead men can't talk, nor disbar anyone from using their name to inspire generations of young fanatics into lock-stepping their way to duty to the Golden Throne.