I suddenly came by an extra 50€ and my Eldar fleet is giddy with excitement! Altough, there´s nothing really major that can be done with this amount, i decided to check the ebay for some answers what to get...at the moment (cos i couldn´t find any decent Warp Spiders, need more of those) i´m bidding on a second flier (yeah, i´m STILL trying to make Crimsons viable ) and a Maugan Ra -model...my HEAVY-slot is SO occupied, that there´s no reason to invest more in there and the troops, DA´s, Rangers, Bikes, Guardians, all checked...Elites...Eldar Elites...heh...when you got Scorpions, Banshees gathering dust and Fire Dragons occasionally making an appearance, no need to go there either...hmm...what would you get, if you had all the basics covered?

- Lost Vyper