Hello guys, right then I'm so close to having my 1st eldar army complete. As it stands I am looking at my 1st 2000 pts and boy am I excited. I'm sure my list isn't über competitive but I don't want to be steamrolled every game either. I'm using the Iyanden supplement too.

Here's where I am at (or will be by the weekend)

Spiritseer with Wraith forged Stone

Troops 1, 2 and 3
5 Wraith guard with Cannons

Troops 4
5 Wraith guard with Scythes

X 3 Dedicated Troop Transports
Waveserpents with Scatter lasers and Shuriken Cannon

Fast Attack 1
Crimson Hunter with Exarch

Heavy Support 1 and 2
Wraith lords with x 2 Bright lance, Flamers and Sword.

Heavy Support 3 (Warlord)
Wraith Knight, Sun cannon, Shield and Scatter laser

Clocks in at 1980pts I believe. I'm a complete novice as far as Eldar are concerned and my list is a mix of what I have read is good and what I liked to look of. I'm happy to buy more stuff etc and my meta is mostly marines, chaos marines and grey knights. Partly why I decided to take a break from marines in the 1st place. So any tricks you can offer me I'm all ears and will very much appreciate what you have to say. I think models I'm likely to face that worry me are Heldrakes and Dread knights.