My army sounds like an unrelenting tide of metal moving forth from the dark, with their metallic foot steps so in line that the vostrian first born envy them. behind the millions of foot steps you hear what sounds like the wind but more metallic and menacing. Then over the sounds of feet marching and metallic wind you can hear a low pitch whine and the sucking of air. But before you can make out the shapes of these sounds lighting strikes from the sky with an epic roar that makes the space wolves sound like children then the screams of the hit break across the battle field as weapons are moved into place with machine precise movements with a sound much like well worn gears clicking into place followed by an unrelenting WHHHUUM from the metallic foot steps. The wind sounds like it has become angry and starts to devour everything of flesh and metal it can find. Somewhere behind the enemy lines you can here the crack of the hunters coming for their targets followed by screams of terror, anger and pleas for mercy before they are cut down but cracking staves. behind the metallic lines the low pitched whine is replaced with an angry growl then the sounds of grumbled metal and breaking glass as balls of pure energy are let lose.

This is what my army sounds like should be fairly easy to guess what I play