Quote Originally Posted by Rissan4ever View Post
Obama did win reelection, and from that, it can be inferred that the people who voted for him (myself included) are in favor of his policies. I don't see how that's flawed.

However, the election was pretty close, as I recall. In my view, that means the country is split down the middle, more or less. That's why issues like gay marriage, immigration reform, and healthcare reform are so hot. If things were clearly one way or the other, there wouldn't be so much controversy.

Also keep in mind only 57.5 percent of people voted last election... so he won a majority (barely) of the 42.5 % of people who voted.

As far as the other people who may be hurt (well not to them, but to the programs) Why is the federal government running those things anyway? It is so wasteful, Shouldn't it fall down to the local people to take care of local problems? I had more that I was going to type, but I seem to have forgotten it... if I remember, I will post again