Let's face it, special characters are cool! In the latest generation of Codicies not only do they provide powerhouse units but they can drasticly alterthe way an army fights, or even what units are availible in which FOC slots!

That said, these "special" characters seem to be in almost every game nowerdays (at least at my local GW), with the likes of Pedro Cantorand Commissar Yarrik appearing on several boards at the same time. Wouldn't it be better if each army you saw throught the night could have a different Character leading them? Well obviously, but if you have a significant number of players in your club (especially given the number of Space Marine players out their, of which I count myself a proud member) you will soon run out of characters to go around.

On to the actual point of my message, what about home-made special characters? Can we all be as creative and well balanced(ish) as those wonderful chaps in Nottingham? Probably not, but can we create some characters who add a new element of excitement, challenge and fun to our games? Quite possibly!

I'm not just talking about taking a special charcater out of a codex and renaming him/her/it, or taking a more standard character, paying for their usual wargear and giving them a suitably heroic sounding name, but actually creating a character with a suitable model, spectacular background and a pinch of special rules that might change the way the character archetype behave in the game. Of course, they will still need a suitably heroic name. Do you have any experience with these kind of characters? Do you stick to the characters in the codicies? Do you steer clear of special characters in favour of a more balanced list?

So I hearby challenge you people of the Lounge of BoLS; Name you champion, regale us with their deeds and tell of us how they might play (aka Create a character with full background and rules)!

To get you started I present to you Lord Hector Musermitt, Commissar Lord attatched to the Sallii CXII Armoured Regiment.

Lord Musermitt favoured being attatched to armoured units from the very beginnig of his career, but not for him would be luxury of hiding behind inches of plasteel or admantium. Riding atop his steed Leonitus he chased down fleeing tanks and administering Commissarial justice to those Commanders found wanting in duty. Through nearly 60 years of service Lord Musermitt gained great affinity for armoured vehicles, able to find the weak spots on enemy vehicles, or halt a fleeing tank without causing significant permenant damage. Over the years he has lost several mounts, but always replaces them with a new Leonitus, currently Leonitus XXI; a proud Kreig Warhorse. He also proudly brandishes The Emperor's Avenger, a pistol-like Meltagun gifted to him by the Adeptus Mechanicus on Sallii after holding their main forge complex from a ravaging SpeedFreak horde with nothing more than six Leman Russes and his command.

Commissar Lord Hector Musermitt

5 5 3 3 3 3 3 10 4+

Unit Type;
Cavalry (Unique)

  • Carapace Armour
  • Emperor's Avenger (Melta Pistol)
  • Power Weapon
  • Frag Grenades and Melta Bombs
  • Refractor Field

Special Rules;
  • Independent Character
  • Stubborn
  • Summary Execution
  • Aura of Discipline
  • The Tankers' Commissar

The Tankers' Commissar
Lord Musermitt has spent his entire career around armoured fighting vehicles. Not only does he know where to find their weak points but how force his authority upon such behemoths.

Lord Musermitt has the Tank Hunters USR. It may be applied to any other model in a unit Lord Musermitt is attatched to if he does not fire that turn.

In addition, if there are any friendly vehicles within 12" and line of sight he must wait to fire until after they have. The vehicle(s) MUST fire with all the weapons it can (depending on how far it moved and it's type). If all of the weapons miss their target (by scattering, not rolling high enough against their ballistic skill or because of night fighting or equiovolent rules), Lord Musermitt will fire against them using The Emperor's Avenger. He will fire once against ALL vehicles that copletely miss. If he fire's these shots he may not fire against the enemy this turn.

The Emperor's Avenger
The Emperor's Avenger is a large, fusion based pistol gifted to Lord Musermitt after a particularly heroic forge defense. It uses the profile below;
Weapon Range Str. AP Type
Emperor's Avenger 12" 8 1 Pistol, Melta

I will add a picture as soon as I have finished painting Lord Musermitt