Howdy folks, as I often do while reading 40k fluff stuff, I began to ponder which Space Marine Chapter is the most powerful.

I mean this as in using all their assets, and allies, whether they be successor chapters, their own numbers, or other allied Imperial forces.

So as a rough breakdown, my top five would have to be:
Ultramarines: Their own mini Imperium, and they retain close relations with many of their successor chapters.
Blood Angels: Those crazy abilities they have, and close ties with many of their successor chapters (i do believe that's the case with them, but its been a while since ive read that fluff)
Black Templars: 3-10,000 rock hard, mad as hell zealots. I'll take that.
Minotaurs: If I'm correct, isn't it hinted that they basically work with the Inquisition.
Dark Angels: Hints that they are secretly using their successors to legion build, and doing it pretty blatantly? My favorite chapter has to have the best lawyers.

This list is simply what I could think of, and it's quite early out here, so what are your thoughts on this topic?