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  1. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    I'm not sure how well the list does or even if it is still used but the 'Khorne Rush' Chaos Space Marine list certainly still works as far as I can tell. My tip is don't even bother with Berzerkers, and instead just take regular Chaos Space Marines in Rhinos equipped with extra close combat weapons as well as the bolters. This is similar to how pre-heresy World Eaters used to fight; they only dropped their boltguns once they made it into combat. Equip your squads with double plasma or double melta as you see fit, and either use a converted to Khorne Huron Blackheart to infiltrate them forward, or mount them in Rhinos with Dirge Casters. Employ two or more Maulerfiends to deal with heavy tanks and even certain squads. Use multiple squads of either Khorne Bikers or markless Spawn to support the Maulerfiends. Employ one or more Juggernaught mounted Chaos Lords, one with the Axe, and the other with the Burning Brand if you so choose. Depending on how Forge World handles the Dreadclaw, you are possibly allowed to assault out of those as well.

    Undoubtedly, the army list is made so much better with the inclusion of Khorne Daemons; though Bloodletters aren't that great, they can move up behind your Rhinos and provide light melee support. What really adds to the threat potential of the list is, if you preserve your theme - i.e. no CSM Daemon Princes of Nurgle with the Black Mace - are Flesh Hounds with a Khorne Herald on a Juggernaught giving them the Grimoire. As well, a Soul Grinder is always an astute purchase. Daemons are a buff army and unsupported Flesh Hounds, while still great, will die when concentrated on, so I would recommend the Herald over a Bloodthirster. However, if you play big enough games where you can take a second Allied detachment, just take both, or add in another Hound unit with a Herald! A Bloodthirster paired up with a CSM Daemon Prince with either the Black Mace or, for fluffy lists, the Axe will be pretty brutal, particularly when the rest of your army is also going to be getting into combat by turn two pretty easily.

    Basically, you Scout/Infiltrate forward with your stuff, move up quickly with the Maulerfiends and Bikes/Spawn, and get either first turn or second turn charges off across almost the entirety of your army. It won't work against certain armies, but Flesh Hounds with an attached Herald equipped with a Grimoire can steamroll almost anything they come across. Use the Maulerfiends, and really the rest of your army, to deal with anything else. I hope that helps!
    Last edited by Learn2Eel; 07-27-2013 at 09:18 PM.
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