Morning every one. Or whatever time it is wherever you are.

Over the last few months, I've been using my Vindicators more and more in my Space Marine lists. No matter what, they always get a lot of attention from onlookers and opponents, asking about the scheme and saying they look really nice. I'll leave that up for you to decide;

Part of that is, as you can tell from the pic, the strong contrast between them and the rest of the army, being so dark compared to the bright reds, oranges and yellows of the rest of the force. It's also a really quick scheme, comparatively, so when it came to painting up my Contemptor for a tournament I followed suit;

Again, he got more than his fair share of attention, even when there were plenty of other Contemptors around. The bold, simple colours bringing out the shape brilliantly and again acting as a strong contrast to the rest of the army, as well as the Killakan on the base. Roll on another tournament, and another vehicle I needed to paint up quickly, the Stormtalon got a similar treatment;

With such a large part of the lists now in this scheme, several of my friends started to comment on how well it worked, how much better than the rest of my Marines it looked (even given the 10+ years of improved painting skill!) Slowly that began to get the old cogs turning in my mind, finally deciding it was time to update the army I have been continually adding to since my pre-teen years. Before taking the plunge though, I wanted to check that the same style I had used on the vehicles would still work on a smaller scale. Scrambling through my collection I found only two models that were undercoated but I had not started painting properly. One of which was the special edition retro Space Marine from the Skullz Promotion several years ago, the other the Terminator given away with WD at the release of Assault on Black Reach. That wasn't much of a choice...