I've always wanted to play an Iyanden list and proxied a few games in 5th using the 4th rules, so I'm super dee duper excited for this new Codex.

My initial list was:

Spiritseer with Firesaber

10x Wraithguard
10x Wraithguard
5x Wraithguard/Scythes
8x Dire Avengers including Exarch with PW/SS, in a Wave Serpent with TL Scatter Lasers, ShuriCannon and Crystal Targetting Matrix
3x Guardian Jetbikes w/ShuriCannon

3x War Walkers with 2 Scatter Lasers each
2x Wraithlords, Scatter/Lance, Sword and 2 flamers each

My opponent for my first game was Tyranids, which allowed me to play the game to my list's strong points - relatively unconstested ranged firepower while advancing a phalanx of Wraithguard backed by the Spiritseer and Wraithlords. The opponent played a Swarmlord/Alpha/Tyrant Guard deathstar, three Tervigons w/corresponding Termagants, two five-man groups of Ymgarl 'stealers, and a Spitterfex. He also deep-striked a brood of deathspitter Termagants and the Doom of Mal'anti in mycetic spores.

With the amount of poisoned attacks his Termagants would deliver, I was concerned for the survival of my high-toughness units. Concentrating my firepower initially on the Tervigons reduced but did not kill any of them, and I had to switch to destroying the Swarmlord and friends as they threatened the Wraith phalanx. At that same time his reserves arrived, and the Tervigons were given a one-round respite to pump out more broods. I made some key mistakes to try to neutralize the deathstar, which saw my Yriel/DA team get whomped by the Carnifex.

Fortunately I was able to stop the deathstar and finish off the Tervigons late in the game, emasculating the Termagants and letting my beleagured Wraithguard rout the smaller bugs.

Lessons learned were that I missed having a Farseer and that Wraithguard are only tougher than they used to be with their S10. I also understand that the game went very much in my favor due to the Nid shooting weakness.


10x Wraithguard
10x Wraithguard
8x Dire Avengers inc. Exarch with PW/SS in a Wave Serpent w/TL Scatter Lasers
3x Jetbikes
5x Rangers

3x War Walkers with 2 Scatter Lasers each
2x Wraithlords, Scatter/Lance, Sword and 2 flamers each

I think this will be my second test. I found myself missing psychic powers and thought I had plenty of power in the Wraith phalanx but could use a unit to sit in the backfield and camp objectives.
