First of all, I'd like to start this log off by saying WUB WUB WUB SKSSSSSSHHHHH WUB WUB!!!!

With that obligatory bit of dubstep out of the way, welcome to what more than likely will amount to a failed attempt at greatness. The addled manchild mind that brought the world Horny Latin Crimson Fists and a Land Raider Brothel will now be attempting to build the most eye-catching army ever. My intention is that, when I'm finished, my Tau army will, flash, pulse, strobe, smoke and play dubstep music, and also boast a ridiculously high-energy color scheme based on this purple monstrosity that I saw on the GW website:

This log will be rather slow moving because as of right now I'm deployed to Saudi Arabia, which means that I have to order the various components and bits and then they get shipped through fifteen intermediaries before sitting on the docks in Jeddah for a week until someone finally decides to ship it to my unit, and then a certain fat guy decides to get up and go on the weekly mail run's complicated. So, things arrive when they arrive, and I'm currently waiting on a lot of the components for the LEDs and fiber optics I will be using. I haven't sourced a micro-scale smoke compound yet, but that's okay. Smoke will be later in the project and only one or two models will have it as a feature. In the mean time, though, I am prepping my battlesuits for my own individual variants on the "Tael" pattern suit that's become popular among Tau enthusiasts, as well as prepping individual components for the wires and cables and such that will have to be threaded throughout the model.

Another post will follow with some of my preliminary work once my phone (my primary camera) finishes downloading the photobucket app.

Until then...Let there be Light.