
I know this topic has been bounced around a bit, and I've certainly appreciated allot of JWolf's thoughts on it - but I'm working on two Imperial Guard armies and I'm still not satisfied with what direction to take with my Command Squads.

One option is to load them up with flamers or melta, mount them in a Chimera; and use them as a 'hunter-killer' strike unit with the possibility of seizing an objective towards the end of the game. However, this strikes me as allot of points for a very vulnerable unit and I'm not sure just how lethal it is? It also seems to be a waste of the officers' orders.

The more traditional role is to use them to support my Platoons with orders and either some additional firepower or some counter-charge ability - but this makes them very static (although not very expensive).

Could I please get some more input on this subject? Tactics and load-out for Command Squads?