Now that Wargames Foundry has released their new game thought would start a new thread for those of us that bought it to, discuss and comment on the game.

For those new to the game it is Jake Thorntons new Fantasy war game released min March this year, and designed to be played with two or more players using 28mm figures.

The Game play focuses on commanding an army rather than the minute intricacies of individual miniatures and what they are armed with.
The rules are simple enough to follow and easily allow players to concentrate on what you want your army to be doing, not like some systems which sub-paragraph whole categories of rules which players in the end argue over.
The rules may not be innovative but they are smooth and play well, with a hidden depth and tactical approach which makes it an enjoyable system. Leaders, musicians and standard bearers all have a point to play in the game and add not only interest but define hoe your unit works.
The system covers everything you need to play with no hidden extra issues like, must buy several add-ons to play and support the game. (This I like, one book to rule it all)
Jake Explain in his blog
As well as all the basics of building armies and how to move and fight across the battlefield with them, God of Battles contains rules for miracles, weather, scenarios, camps, baggage trains, varying terrain and 10 complete army lists with over 20,000 words of background. It is a complete product in a single volume.
The combat system is based on the declare and then measure, so that makes for a fun (defender) and at times bloody (attacker) frustrating.
Army lists are easy and cover the usual races.
Norse Dwarfs
Orc Warlords
Thousand Tribes – Mix,inc. Halflins
Lords of Undeath
Blood Gorged – Beastmen
Mercenary – Human
The Godless – dark (very) elves
Sea elfs
T'lekkan Empires – Giant bugs

Scale of engagements are:
Skirmish 24 points
Battle 36 “ “
Havoc 48 “ “
Slaughter 60 “ “

Example army list - cut down
- Blood Gorged -
Brutes Ravagers 12 Points – 10 Models
Brutes 6 Points – 10 Models
Slayers 12 Points – 10 Models
Younglings 12 Points – 8 Models

- Command -
Herdlord 12 Points – Character
Shaman 18 Points – Character
Such costs mean that you do not need a lot of figures and the system allows any ranges to be used as it is very flexible.
Magic has no range an if you want to cast spells you need a priest or shaman, and the system here means that an opponent can try to stop or thwart your casting, at the risk of not having enough spell points to cast ttheir spells.
Movement and targeting are from leader to leader and allow players to easily range and stops attempts to fudge the rules.